Council News


Men's Group

Mother of Sorrows - Men’s renewal group is holding Rosary on the 4th Thursday of each month dedicated to fallen away Catholics to pray for their return to the Church. All are invited 6pm to write the name of a loved one and we will pray for them.

Mother of Sorrows - Fatima Rosary Rally - Sat January 11th at noon in the lower parking lot (rain or shine). Contact Mary Rita Turka 412-848-5105 for questions.



March for Life

52nd March for Life

(Letter from

There’s reason to be joyful as a pro-life Catholic. In our nation’s capital this morning, Knights are among the tens of thousands witnessing to the dignity of every human person at the 52nd March for Life. The Knights of Columbus has long been at the forefront of the pro-life movement, helping to organize the first March for Life in 1974 and every year since. Here’s what’s happening this week, plus ways you can get involved in local pro-life activities.

New Polling Shows a Pro-Life Consensus

This year’s Knights of Columbus - Marist Poll shows that 67% of individuals support placing legal limits on abortion, while 83% of Americans support pregnancy resource centers. Other highlights of the poll include:

    • 60% of Americans support restricting abortions to at least the first 3 months of pregnancy.
    • 82% of Americans believe laws can protect both the health and wellbeing of the mother and life of her unborn child.

A Prayerful Witness at Life Fest

Prayer is our greatest way to build a culture of life.

This year, our Order and the Sisters of Life teamed up with the Diocese of Arlington to host a new, expanded Life Fest — a two-day event before the March for Life. The goal: helping pro-life advocates prayerfully witness to the sanctity of every human person.

People of all ages gathered yesterday at EagleBank Arena in Fairfax, VA, for a Night of Praise.

Watch the live stream this morning starting at 8:00 a.m. ET as Life Fest continues with a Morning Rally and Mass!

Make Your Voice Heard — Attend a Local March for Life!

Building a culture of life is just as important at a local level as it is nationally. Make your voice heard in your area by attending a state march for life! Click below to find a March for Life near you.

Defend Human Life All Year Long

There are many ways you can engage with brother Knights in the pro-life movement throughout the year:

There’s plenty of work to do in the pro-life movement. Let’s continue to give a prayerful, joyful witness to the dignity of human life in 2025


Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest

Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest

The "Keep Christ in Christmas" poster contest was a huge success. Mother of Sorrows School participated in this year's contest. Semi-finalists were chosen from grades Kindergarten, Grades 1-2, Grades 3-4, Grades 5-6 and Grades 7-8 (pictures below)


The semi-finalists were chosen by the staff of Mother of Sorrows School and from the staff of Mother of Sorrows Church. The finalists in each category were chosen at the December 2024 council meeting. 

The finalists from each category were awarded their certificates and a small gift at the council's Christmas Party on December 15th. 


We wish to thank Mother of Sorrows School for their participation in this contest and offer our congratulations all who participated in this contest!

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity

Pictured below is a family the recently moved into a home newly remodeled by Habitat for Humanity. The work was completed by many volunteers including several members of our council. If you are interested in being a volunteer please contact Jim Snitger at or by phone at 412-334-4932 for more details. Our group meets every other Wednesday.





VA Volunteer Services (VAVS)

We have received some very nice donations of warm clothing before Christmas. These were very much appreciated by VA Pittsburgh and are being put to good use to help veterans in need. Thanks to our council a donation of $500.00 was made to hep the Catholic Chaplin, Fr. Stephen Abaukaka) to acquire new vestments and altar supplies. He is also very grateful the support he has been receiving from the KofC.

God Bless everyone and all the best to you and yours for 2025.

Additionally, members are asked to consider donating new or gently used men’s and/or ladies clothing. Winter clothing is in special need as we are in the cold weather season. If someone wants to purchase a pack of socks or underwear, or personal care items like body wash, dental or shaving supplies, deodorants, wipes, etc., those items are always in need. Donations can be brought to our next council meeting or dropped off in advance and placed on the kitchen table at the hall (will need to notify Lee first before dropping items off) or by calling at 724-325-4220.

As always thank you for your generosity!!



2025 COAL

COAL (Chance of A Lifetime) tickets have been mailed out to our members. The money raised from these ticket sales helps to ensure the continuation of the KOFC scholarship programs for our members' sons and daughters. Additionally, a portion of the ticket sales (approximately $2 - $3 for each ticket sold) is returned to our council to help support our local charities. Each knight is asked to sell 5 tickets. The drawing will take place May 16, 2025. Prizes this year are all cash from $1,000.00 to $15,000.00 cash prize. Please call or email Steve Huff if you need additional tickets as there may be extra tickets available.

Please return your sold tickets and money to Steve as soon as possible but no later than March25, 2025 so our council can get the greatest return for each ticket sold. Please make your checks payable to KOC Council 4226. You can email Steve at Steve's address is on the letter that came in the mail with your tickets.


Food Pantry


The Food Pantry is ONLY looking for car loaders every month to lift boxes into cars at the present time. The boxes weigh 40 -50 pounds. Groups are not helping at this time.

If you  would like to volunteer on the first Tuesday of the month around 5:30 pm please contact Dan Pilon at or leave a message on his answering service at (724) 325-4910. Thanks!





Blood Drives

Blood Drive

The blood drive at Mother of Sorrows December 26th resulted in 34 units collected.


Next Blood Drive

Mother of Sorrows Church - Social Hall

Tuesday, February 25th

11:30am to 5:00pm

Call 1-800-Red Cross (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter mos to schedule and appt.



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